Advanced search(1) allows you to use all available criteria(2) to search accessions.
INSTITUTE CODE (FAO WIEWS) | FAO Institute Code of the institute where the accession is maintained. List of FAO codes. |
ACCESSION NUMBER | A unique identifier for accessions within a genebank collection. It is assigned when a sample is entered into the genebank collection and it never changes. |
COLLECTING NUMBER | Original number assigned by the collector of the sample. |
COLLECTING INSTITUTE (FAO WIEWS) | FAO code of the Institute collecting the sample. List of FAO codes. |
GENUS | Genus name for taxon, in latin. |
SPECIES | Specific epithet portion of the scientific name, in latin. Available only when “common crop name” filter remains unselected and “genus” filter remains selected. |
SUBTAXA | Subtaxa can be used to store any additional taxonomic identifier, in latin. |
COMMON CROP NAME | Name of the crop in colloquial language. |
ACCESSION NAME | Either a registered or other formal designation given to the accession. |
ACQUISITION YEAR | Year in which the accession entered the genebank collection. |
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (three-letter ISO 3166-1 code) | Code of the country in which the sample was originally collected. |
LOCATION OF COLLECTING SITE | Information that describes where the accession was collected. |
ELEVATION OF COLLECTING SITE | Elevation of collecting site expressed in meters above sea level. |
COLLECTING YEAR OF SAMPLE | Collecting year of sample (before the sample was given to the genebank). |
BIOLOGICAL STATUS OF ACCESSION | Information on a type of the accession, for example: breeding material, landrace. |
ANCESTRAL DATA | Information about either pedigree or other description of ancestral information |
COLLECTING/ACQUISITION SOURCE | Place, where the accession wac collected/acquired. |
DONOR INSTITUTE (FAO WIEWS) | FAO Institute Code for the donor institute. List of FAO codes. |
DONOR ACCESSION NUMBER | Number assigned to an accession by the donor. |
BREEDING INSTITUTE (FAO WIEWS) | FAO Institute Code for the breeding institute. List of FAO codes. |
TYPE OF GERMPLASM STORAGE | Type of accession storage. There are multipe types of storage depending on the kind of germplasm: seeds, tubers etc. For example field collection, long-term chambers. |
REMARKS | Additional information on the accession. |
CROP GROUP | Defines crop group: vegetables, winter cereals, spring cereals. |
COLLECTING INSTITUTE DETAILS | Information on the collecting institute, for example institution name, address. |
BREEDING INSTITUTE DETAILS | Information on the breeding institute, for example breeding institute name, address. |
DONOR INSTITUTE DETAILS | Information on the donor institute, for example institute name, address. |
STATUS MLS | 0 – not covered, 1 – a crop covered under the MLS, null – status unknown. |
WŁĄCZONE DO AEGIS | Accessions included in an European Genebank Intedrated System (AEGIS). 0 – not included, 1 – included, null – unknown. |
AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTION | Accessions that are available to order. Availability is determined for example by the number of stored seeds. |
PHOTOS | When the checkbox is enabled, the search results show only accessions that have photographs. |
DOCUMENTS | When the checkbox is enabled, the search results show only accessions that have documents attached. For example publications, research results. |
EVALUATION DATA | When the checkbos is enabled, the search results show only accessions that have evaluation data. |