Advanced search instructions

Strona główna Advanced search instructions

Advanced search(1) allows you to use all available criteria(2) to search accessions.

INSTITUTE CODE (FAO WIEWS)FAO Institute Code of the institute where the accession is maintained. List of FAO codes.
ACCESSION NUMBERA unique identifier for accessions within a genebank collection. It is assigned when a sample is entered into the genebank collection and it never changes.
COLLECTING NUMBEROriginal number assigned by the collector of the sample.
COLLECTING INSTITUTE (FAO WIEWS)FAO code of the Institute collecting the sample. List of FAO codes.
GENUSGenus name for taxon, in latin.
SPECIESSpecific epithet portion of the scientific name, in latin. Available only when “common crop name” filter remains unselected and “genus” filter remains selected.
SUBTAXASubtaxa can be used to store any additional taxonomic identifier, in latin.
COMMON CROP NAMEName of the crop in colloquial language.
ACCESSION NAMEEither a registered or other formal designation given to the accession.
ACQUISITION YEARYear in which the accession entered the genebank collection.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (three-letter ISO 3166-1 code)Code of the country in which the sample was originally collected.
LOCATION OF COLLECTING SITEInformation that describes where the accession was collected.
ELEVATION OF COLLECTING SITEElevation of collecting site expressed in meters above sea level.
COLLECTING YEAR OF SAMPLECollecting year of sample (before the sample was given to the genebank).
BIOLOGICAL STATUS OF ACCESSIONInformation on a type of the accession, for example: breeding material, landrace.
ANCESTRAL DATAInformation about either pedigree or other description of ancestral information
COLLECTING/ACQUISITION SOURCEPlace, where the accession wac collected/acquired.
DONOR INSTITUTE (FAO WIEWS)FAO Institute Code for the donor institute. List of FAO codes.
DONOR ACCESSION NUMBERNumber assigned to an accession by the donor.
BREEDING INSTITUTE (FAO WIEWS)FAO Institute Code for the breeding institute. List of FAO codes.
TYPE OF GERMPLASM STORAGEType of accession storage. There are multipe types of storage depending on the kind of germplasm: seeds, tubers etc. For example field collection, long-term chambers.
REMARKSAdditional information on the accession.
CROP GROUPDefines crop group: vegetables, winter cereals, spring cereals.
COLLECTING INSTITUTE DETAILSInformation on the collecting institute, for example institution name, address.
BREEDING INSTITUTE DETAILSInformation on the breeding institute, for example breeding institute name, address.
DONOR INSTITUTE DETAILSInformation on the donor institute, for example institute name, address.
STATUS MLS0 – not covered, 1 – a crop covered under the MLS, null – status unknown.
WŁĄCZONE DO AEGISAccessions included in an European Genebank Intedrated System (AEGIS). 0 – not included, 1 – included, null – unknown.
AVAILABLE FOR DISTRIBUTIONAccessions that are available to order. Availability is determined for example by the number of stored seeds.
PHOTOSWhen the checkbox is enabled, the search results show only accessions that have photographs.
DOCUMENTSWhen the checkbox is enabled, the search results show only accessions that have documents attached. For example publications, research results.
EVALUATION DATAWhen the checkbos is enabled, the search results show only accessions that have evaluation data.