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IHAR Search engine National Centre For Plant Genetic Resources Users help Genetic resources search engine Wyszukiwarka Rules and Agreements Regulamin i umowy Genebank collections Kolekcje roślin Popular topics

Gene bank collections – information

Collection of protected and rare medicinal plants led by Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plants in Poznan Lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis L. Hypericum elegans Stephan ex Willd Garden angelica - Angelica archangelica L. Small cranberry - Oxycoccus palustris Pers. Golden root - Rhodiola rosea L. Sweetscented bedstraw - Asperula odorata L.…

Privacy Policy

Introductory provisions: this privacy policy explains how your personal data is collected and processed when you use the plant genetic resources search system of the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources: Polish Genebank (System IHAR) available at the web address: Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute with its seat in Radzików, 05-870 Błonie, Poland is an…

Terms of service

Rules of the plant genetic resources search system of the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources: Polish Genebank (System IHAR) § 1 Introductory provisions The plant genetic resources search system of the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources: Polish Genebank (System IHAR) is available at the web address: It is administrated by the Plant Breeding…

SMTA agreement

SMTA Agreement is a Standard Material Transfer Agreement. This is the document the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources: Polish Genebank uses to distribute plant genetic material. SMTA defines terms and conditions of the plant genetic material utilization. You can use the material only for the following purposes: research, breeding and/or education. It is necessary…

More about agreements

Rules of the plant genetic resources search system (System IHAR) Genetic material is distributed under SMTA (Standard Material Transfer Agreement).

Rules and agreements

Rules of the plant genetic resources search system (System IHAR) Genetic material is distributed under SMTA (Standard Material Transfer Agreement)

Regulations and agreements

Rules of the plant genetic resources search system (System IHAR) Genetic material is distributed under SMTA (Standard Material Transfer Agreement)

Reset your password

If you forgot your password and you can’t log in the System, you can reset the password. Click the icon in the upper right corner , and then click „Log in”. 2. Click „Having trouble with logging in?” 3. Type in your e-mail address (the same one you used during the registration process), then press…

Create an account

If you want to order seed samples, you have to create an account in the plant genetic resources search system (System IHAR). Go to 2. Click the icon in the upper right corner , and then click „Log in”. 3. You’ll see the login form. Click „Create Account In System IHAR”. 4. Fill in…