Filter search results

You can filter search results using „Filter search results” bar that has 7 options to use. You can use multiple options or just one, depending on what you are looking for. When you place the coursor over the tables, a grey box appears containing information about the option(1).

AVAILABLE UNDER SMTA CONDITIONS Shows only the accessions that are available to order.
GENUS Genus name for taxon, in latin.
SPECIES Specific epithet portion of the scientific name, in latin. The option is available only when "common crop name" filter remains unselected and "genus" filter remains selected.
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Country in which the sample was originally collected.
BIOLOGICAL STATUS Information on a type of the accession, for example: breeding material, landrace.
CROP GROUP Defines crop group: vegetables, winter cereals, spring cereals.
COMMON NAME Name of the crop in colloquial language.